MCQs of Biology Class 12 Chapter 16
McQ on Chapter 16 Environment issues ?
Multiple choice Questions with answers on environment
1.Which of the following years Government of India has passed the Environment(protection) act?
a) 1687
b) 1990
c) 1982
d) 1986
2. In 1990s, Which state of India with its very large population of vehicle traffic and ranked among the 41 most polluted cities of the World ?
a) Odisha
b) New Delhi
c) Kolkata
d) Bihar
Answer: New Delhi
3.Which of the following years all the buses of Delhi were converted to run on CNG ?
b) 1989
c) 1999
d) End of 2002
Answer: End of 2002
4. Which of the following years air pollution act us passed in India ?
a) 25 July 1898
b) 25 March 1897
c) 22 February 1969
d) 29, March 1981
Answer: 29 March ,1981
5.Which of the following years Government of India has passed the Water(prevention and control of pollution) Acts ?
a) 1974
b) 1945
c) 1957
d) 1945
Answer: 1974
6.The ozone is found in the upper part of the atmosphere called ?
a) Dobson's
b) Ozone hole
c) Trospher
d) Stratosphere
Answer: Stratosphere
7. Which of the following way the Donate the Dobson units ?
a) DU
b) DR
c) DE
d) DL
Answer: DU
8.Which of the following is the main atmospheric layer near the surface of earth ?
a) Stratosphere
b) Atmosphere
c) Trospher
d) All of These
Answer: Trospher
9.BOD (Biological chemical Demand ) indicate that ?
a) High level of microbial pollution
b) High level of waiting test
c) High concentration of heat
d) High molecular weight
Answer: High level of microbial pollution
10.What is the range Normal Human hearing ?
a) 15 Hz to 1500 Hz
b) 56 Hz to 700 Hz
c) 5 Hz to 500
d) 15 to 2000 Hz
Answer: 15Hz to 1500 Hz
11.Which of the following statement are true about the Ozone layer?
a) They protect us from the harmful or radical rayvof sun
b) They are sky like others planet
c)They are other planet in which alien are live there
d) They are harmful for us
Answer: They protect us from the harmful or radical Ray of sun
12.The number of babe produce per thousand individual is called ?
a) birth grow
b) Anality
c) Mortality
d) Natality
Answer: Natality
13.Which of the following reasons pyramid of population is useful ?
a) Express the concentration
b) Express the population explosion
c) Express the sex distribution
d) Experience the Natality .
Answer: Express the sex distribution .
14.Global Warning could Affect by ?
a) Climate
b) Melting of glycerin
c) Food production
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
15.Which of the following reasons due to skin Cancer ?
a) Ozone depletion
b) Excess of Oxygen
c) Low of methane
d) Excess of Carbohydrates
Answer: Ozone deleption