Class 12 Biology Chapter 14 MCQ Questions

  Biology MCQ Chapter 14  Ecosystem

1.Who introduce the term of Ecosystem?

a) Malthus 

b) Kathy 

c) Nathan heavy 

d) Reiter 

Answer: Reiter

2.Which of the following soil  best plant growing?

a) Clay soil 

b) Chalk soil 

c) Pit soil

d) Loam soil 

Answer: Clay Soil

3. Kanha National park is famous for ?

a) Horse 

b) Elephant 

c) Dear 

d) Tendua

Answer:  Tendua

4.During the food chain maximum energy is stored in ?

a) Producers

b) Biomagnification

c) Carnivores 

d) Herbivores

Answer: Producers 

5.What is the average efficiency of energy transfer from Herbivores to Carnivores level ?

a) 50%

b) 49%

c) 30%

d) 20%

Answer: 10%

6.Ecological of pyramid was first Discovered by ?

a) Meischer

b) Sutton

c) Charles Darwin

d) Charles Elton

Answer: Charles Elton

7.Which of the following Ecosystem has highest Gross primary productivity ?

a) Round worm

b) Platyhelminthes

c) Ringworm 

d) Coral reef

Answer: Coral reef

8.Whuch of the following pyramid are never invented?

a) pyramid of energy

b) Biochemical of pyramid

c) Ecology of pyramid 

d) Biomass of Energy

Answer: Pyramid of energy

9.What is the main cause of  extinction of some species in the Tropical forest ?

a) Deforestation

b) Lack of water

c) lack of land 

d) excessive of heat 

Answer:  Deforestation

10.Which of the following 70% of fresh water found in 

a) Yamuna River 

b) Ganga River

c) Amazon forest 

d) Greenland 

Answer:  Greenland 

11.Ecology deal with ?

a) it's deal with  zoology

b) it's deal with with botany 

c) it's deal with paleontology 

d) Relationship between organism and environmental

Answer:  Relationship between organism and environmental 

12.What is the largest Ecosystem ?

a)  Marine Ecosystem

b) Tundra

c) Grassland 

d) Great barrier reef

Answer: Marine Ecosystem

13. Which one of the following in Root hair absent?

a)  Carex hirta

b) Cartifolia

c) Carex pilosa

d) Hydrophytes

Answer: Hydrophytes

14.The each trophic levels has a certain mass of living material at a particular time called as?

a) Standing Crop

b) Dynamics Crop

c) Location Crop 

d) Diablo Crop

Answer:  Standard Crop

15.Tye species that invade the bare  area is called ?

a) Pioneer species 

b) Xerarch species 

c) Hydrate species 

d) Climate species 

Answer: Pioneer species
