Hi there ,today we sharing the best general knowledge questions about human body (mutiple Choice Questions)

We are   happily  sharing the best GK questions  and answer of Biology subject. it helps the students to all type of competition exam. This General knowledge   questions and answers are purely extracted from NCERT syllabus books by our expert. This multiple Choice answer based on  your syllabus .

Q: The process of excreting ammonia is called

a) Amonnontelic 

b) Isothermic 

c) Endothermic 

d) All of these

Answer: Amonnontelic

Q: Nephrons are found in ?

a) Kidney 

b) Bone 

c) Thigh 

d) Carpal

Answer: Kidney 

Q: GFR stand for ?

a) Global filtration rate 

b) Glamour fatuation  respiration 

c) Guinness features response

d) All of these 

Answer : Glomerular filatration rate 

Q: In the man urine is temporarily stored in the ?

a) Testicula

b) Uretha 

c) Pelvic

d) Urinary bladder 

Answer: Urinary bladder 

Q: Proximal and distal convalte tubes are parts of ?

a) Testicular 

b) Vasa effretia

c) Kidney 

d) Nephron

Answer: Nephron 

Q: Platelets are also called ?

a) Leucomycytes 

b) Cytonkines 

c) Escocytes 

d) Thrombocytes 

Answer Thrombocytes 

Q: In Which of the following is phagocytic ?

a) Neutrophis

b) Actinomycetes

c) Monocytes 

d) All of these

Answer: a, c 

Q: In which of the following are granulates ?

a)  Neutrophils 

b) Eosinophils 

c) Basophils 

d) All of these 

Answer All of these 

Q: In Which of the following statement is true regarding WBC (White blood cell )

a) They are also known as the Leucocytes 

b) They are colourless 

c) They are  nucleated 

d) All of these 

Answer: All of these

Q: The plasma without the cloting factors is called ?

a) Leucocytes

b) Actinomycetes

c) White blood cells (WBC)

d) Serum 

Answer : Serum 

Q: In Which of the following  formed elements are include?

a) Platelets

b) Erythrocytes

c) Leucocytes

d) All of these

Answer : All of these

Q: Which of the following statement is true about the heart 💓?

a) In the heart  800 hole are found 

b) it is always present in the dorsal side of the body 

c) It has big Veins as compared to whole body 

d) It's a hollow organ 

Answer : It's a hollow organ 

Q: The blood is more likely to be contaminated in the ?

a) Oesophagus 

b) kidney 

c) Lungs 

d) All of these 

Answer : Lacuna 

Q: Blood is a  ? 

a) It is higher binding gel 

b) its a intracellular fluid

c) It's a colourless  gel 

d) All of these 

Answer : it's a intracellular fluid 

Q: In Which of the following the rate of respiration  will be higher in ?

a) Young boy 

b) Aged men only 

c) Aged  women only 

d) Old aged 

Answer : Young boy 

Q: When did the  Haemoglobin become fully saturated When the presence of Oxygen is ?

a) 50 mmHg

b) 50 mmHg

c) 100mmHg 

d) All of these 

Answer: 100mmHg 

Q: During the hibernation ,the frog will be performs ?

a) Ehale respiration 

b) Mutuwaration respiration 

c)  Amplitude respiration

d) Catenous respiration 

Answer : Catenous respiration 

Q: What is the rate breathing per minute in a resting human is ?

a) 167

b) 60 

c) 18 

d) 15 

Answer: 15 

Q: In Which of the following animals is not show cutaneous respiration ?

a) Rhino

b) Dinosaur

c) Crocodile 

d) All of these

Answer : Corcodile 

Q: The pressure outside the lungs decrease during the ?

a) Exchange of gas 

b) Walking 

c) Inspiration 

d) Sleeping 

Answer : Inspiration 

Q: Chest are expanding during the ?

a) Aspiration

b) Inherent

c)  exinhale

d) Inspiration 

Answer: Inspiration 

Q: What is left lung of man is ?

a) Triolobed 

b) Pentalobed 

c) Sexalobed 

d) Biolobed 

Answer : Bilobed

Q: Which of the following methods  through in the insect air enters ?

 a) Eye 

b) Mouth 

c) Ostia 

d) Anus 

Answer : Anus 

Q: In Which of the following is a catabolic Proces ?

a) Mutuwaration 

b) Expiration 

c) Aspirations 

d) Respiration

Answer : Respiration 
