Scientific Name of Animals|gksaiclassesgk

Here you will find the scientific Name of Animal Plants fruit vegetables etc that will help you in Current affairs and all government exam of India

Scientific Name of Animals|gksaiclassesgk

Scientific Name of Animals Fruit, Vegetables 

We are always sharing the best Current Affairs and General Awareness it's ione of the most important and high  scoring Examination like  like SSC, IAS , UPSC ,JPSC , CGL, Central level , CHSL etc.  And other examinations of India so,  we are  try to the provide you the best General knowledge awareness  and  Static GK and Current Affairs happing around the world. In this Article we are giving you some Questions interesting Questions and Answer Which are related to Scientific Names of Animals as well as Domestic Animals Plants and Fruit and Vegetable etc. These important for all type of Government competitors exam .The  Scientific Names of Plants, Fruits and Vegetables. etc. We are simply design an easy way to get more clear concept .

Here, we Will be find category wise Questions Answers such as Multiple Choice Questions that will  helps  you to gues  the perfect answer for perfect Questions.

The list of all the important Scientific Names of animal ,  Plants, Fruits and Vegetables is given in the blow .

Q.What is scientific name  of Asian Elephant ?

À. Maxinegyin 


Ç. Elpsho

D. Elephas maximus

Answer: Elephas maximus

Q.What is Scientific name of elephants ?

À. Lordina 

B. Molinon 

Ç. Loxodonta 

D.All of these 

Answer: Loxodonta

Q.What is scientific name of Lions ?

À. Blackburn 

B. Black panthers 

Ç. Panthera leo 

D. jaundica 

Answer: Panthera leo

Q. What is scientific name of Cow ?

À. Bos Taurus 

B. Naven

Ç. Navin


Answer: Bos taurus

Q.What is scientific name of Panther ?

À. Leopold

B. Stockwas


D. Pathera


Q. What is Scientific name of frog ?

À. Frigidaire 

B. Alligator 

Ç. Predators 

D. Anura 

Answer: Anura

Q.What is Scientific name of Turkey ?

À. Altnigino

B. Gonioscopy 

Ç. Gallipoli 

D. Meleagris gallopva 

Answer: Meleagris gallopavo

Q.What is Scientific name of horse ?

À. Bullish rolls 

B. Horsika 

Ç. Equus caballus 

D. All of these 

Answer: Equus caballus

Q. What  is the scientific name of Neem Tree ?

À. Banynij

B. Raktre 

Ç. Nelumus 

D. Bamboozlein 

Answer:  Azadhirachta indica

Q.What is Scientific Name of Apple ?

À. Mali

B. Macrom

Ç. Lyrics Malus 

D.All of these 

Answer : Pyrus malus

Q.Whaf is the scientific Name of banana ?

À. Bamboozled

B. Mathilda

Ç. Frongers

D.Musa paradiscicum

Answer : Musa paradisicum

Q. What's  the Scientific Name Beans ?

À. Vegasya 

B. Bulgarian

Ç. Mathias 

D. Phaseolus Vulgaris

Answer: Phaseolus Vulgaris

Q.What  is Scientific Name of  Peacock(Indian national birds ) ?

À. Marines Amateurish

B. Goldilocks

Ç. Pavo Critstatus 

D. All of these

Answer: Pavo Cristatus 

Q.What is Scientific name of brinjal ?

À. Bribgeriban

B. Almonishiniy

Ç. Formal Ophiuchus

D. Solanum Melongenera 

Answer: Solanum melongena

Q.What is Scientific name of Beet?


B. Brunettein

Ç. Actinomycinl

D. Beta Vulgaris 

Answer: Beta Vulgaris

Q.What is scientific Name of Carrot ?

À. Carrotties 


Ç. Machine Ono

D. Carota

Answer:  Carota

Q .What is scientific name of capciscum?

À. Alminusu

B. Alumofero

Ç. Capsicum fruitscene

D.All of these 

Answer: Capsicum fruitscence

Q.What is scientific name of Corn?

À. Mauo

b. Mnunga

Ç. Zea Mays 

D.Siwya Mays 

Answer: Zea Mays

Q.What is scientific name of Cotton?

À. Curtis 

B. Glosfims 

Ç. Aphids


Answer: Gossypium 

Q.What is scientific name of Coriander?

À. Codindrin 

B. Sativarose 

Ç. Coridarum sativum 

D. All of these 

Answer: Coriandrum sativum

Q.What is scientific name of  Drumstick?

À. Ferdinand

B. Greanoa 

Ç. Mangiooefee 

D. Morning oleifera 

Answer: Moringa oleifera

Q.What is scientific name of Cauliflower ?

À. Brasserie

B. Answuseu 

Ç. Mathuyrin 

D. Brassica Oleracea 

Answer: Brassica Oleracea

Q.What is scientific name of Cucumber ?


B. Martibiytun

Ç.Cucumis sativas 

D.All of these 

Answer: Cucumis sativas

Q.What is scientific name of Guava?

À. Gudrun 

B. Chemlonw 

Ç. Hwrdos 

D. Psidium guava 

Answer: Psidium guava

Q.What is scientific name of Henna (Mehndi)

À. Mayotte 

B. Mayotten 

Ç. Oxytocin

D. Lawsonia inermis 

Answer: Lawsonia inermis

Q.What is  scientific name of Horse Gram?

À. Buffalosis 

B. Frengrun 

Ç. Asphodel 

D. Dolichos biffoeus 

Answer: Dolichos biffoeus

Q.What is scientific name of Jowar?


B. Morgan Stanley

Ç. Sorgham Vulgare 

D. All of these

Answer: Sorghum vulgare

Q.What is scientific name of Lemon ?

À. Lemonos

B. Amonias

Ç. Citrus Limonium 

D. All of these

Answer: Citrus Limonium

Q.What is scientific name of Mango?

À. Pathname 

B. Srilnkmango

Ç. Matuyluse 

D. Magnifera indica 

Answer: Mangifera indica

Q.What is scientific name of Mint (Pudina)

À. Montage

B. Pinkflinl 

Ç. serumtic 

D. Mentha Arvenis 

Answer: Mentha Arvenis

Q.What is scientific name of Mustard ?

À. Amphipods 

B. Mortage 

Ç. Brassica juneca 

D. Indiaca mangnifera 

Answer: Brassica Juncea

Q.What is scientific name of Onion ?

À. Carpe

B. Amnlon 

Ç. Moonlit 

D. Alliums cepa 

Answer: Allium cepa

Q.What  is scientific name of Orange ?

À. Nansispha 


Ç. Hempstead 

D. All of these 

Answer: Citrus aurantium

Q.What is scientific name of Peas?

À. Pearlie 

B. Mtsoin 

Ç. Denosus 

D. Lathyrus odoaratus 

Answer: Lathyrus Odoratus

Q.What is scientific name of Pepper ?

À. Perpeepnis 

B. Beninsltr 

Ç. Capsicums 

D. Capsicums Annum

Answer: Capsicum Annum

Q.What is scientific name of Pineapple ?

À. Peausnia 

B. Ananus sativus

Ç. Gamesseeine 

D. All of these

Answer: Ananus sativus

Q.What is scientific name of Potato ?

À. Prototype potiw 

B. Altomote 

Ç. Solemum 

D. solanum tubernum 

Answer: Solanum tubersum

Q.What is scientific name of Pumpkin?

À. Ammnotellis 

B. Maryrise 

Ç. Cucurbita 

D. Seamlone

Answer: Cucurbita

Q.What is scientific name of Radish ?

À. Pteridophytes 

B. Alimony

Ç. Bryophytes

D. Raphanus Sativus 

Answer: Raphanus sativus

Q.What is scientific name of Rice ?

À. Darboiled Rice 

B. Basmati 

Ç. Orzya Sativa 

D. All of these 

Answer: Oryza sativa, 

Q.What is scientific name of Sandalwood ?

À. Sandloim 

B. Diremonin 

Ç. Chamwloan 

S. Santhalum Album

Answer: Santalum album

Q.What is scientific name of Soybean ?

À. Seehm serum 

B. Meeruhi 

Ç. Maxinegyin 

D. Glycine Max 

Answer: Glycine Max

Q.What is scientific name of Tobacco ?

À. Tuberculosis 

B. Nicotine 

Ç. Nicotine tobaccum 

D. Allustionat

Answer: Nicotina tobaccum

Q.What is scientific name of Tomato ?

À. Lycopene 

B. Potomac 

Ç. Lycopersian

D. All of These 

Answer: Lycopersican 

Q.What is scientific name of Tulsi ?

À. Opium poppy 

B. Bamboos 

Ç. Anarchist

D. Ocium sanctum 

Answer: Ocimum sanctum

Q.What is scientific name of Watermelon?

À. Regulass Ball 

B. Citrullus Vulgaris 

Ç. Malariqn 

D. Alluatinoia 

Answer: Citrullus vulgaris

Q..What is the scientific name of wheat ?

À. Greenville 

B. Monogram

Ç. Temporomandibular 

D. Tricticum Aestivum 

Answer : Triticum aestivum
