What is part of speech?
The words are divided into various parts or classes, According to the, they do in the sentence . Each among them is called the Parts of Speech.
There is Eight part of parts of speech.
1) Noun
2) Pronoun
3) Adjective
4) Verb
5) Adverb
6) Prepositions
7) Conjunction
8) Interjection
Definition of Noun : _A Noun is the name of a person ,place , thing , Quality , Idea , Experience etc.
There are five kinds of Noun :_
1) Proper Noun
2) Common Noun
3) Collective Noun
4) Material Noun
5) Abstract Noun
1: Proper Noun
Definition of Proper Noun:- A proper noun is the name of a particular person , places or thing ?
For example :- Madhu ,Patna Monthly , September etc.
2: Common Noun
Definition of Common Noun:-Common Name is the Name of class of person or thing .
For example:-Roy is Proper Nouns but, boy is a Common Noun .
3.Collective Noun
Definition of Collective Noun:-A Collective Noun is the name of a number of persons or things considered as one .
For example:-Family, Mob, Committee ,etc.
4.Material Noun
A material Noun is the name of a substance that is eaten , drunk ,measured and weight but not counted .
For example:-Water ,Milk, Breakfast ,etc..
5.Abstract Noun
Definition of Abstract Noun :-An abstract noun is the name of such type of thing which is not seen of touched but, only though of .
For example:- Death,Heat , kindness , Childhood ,etc..
Definition of Pronoun :-A pronoun is a word which is used in place of a noun .
There are Eight kinds of Pronoun :-
1) Personal Pronoun
2) Reflexive Pronoun
3) Emphatic Pronoun
4) Posseive Pronoun
5) Demonstrated Pronoun
6) Interrogative Pronoun
7) Relative Pronoun
8) Identifinite Pronoun
1.Personal Pronouns
Definition of personal pronouns :- which are used in place of name of person or thing are called Personal Pronouns.
For example:- I,We,You,He,She,it and they.
2.Reflexive Pronouns.
Definition of Relfexive pronouns :-The Pronouns in which Myself,ourself , yourself, himself, herself, itself and themselves are known as the Reflexive pronouns . these pronouns reflect the action of the verb on the subject itself .
For example:-
You spoiled himself .
We ruined himself ...etc.
3.Defination : Emphatic Pronouns:
This pronouns used for the sake of emphasis on nouns or pronouns.
He himself did this
They themselves took the decision
4.Possessive Pronouns
The pronoun which is used to denote possession or ownership is called a possessive pronoun
Examples: This table is mine.
That is yours
These chairs are ours. Those are his.
This pen is hers.
Those are theirs.
5. Demonstrative Pronouns
> Demonstrative pronouns point out the persons or things for which they Stand
Examples: This is a bag.
That is a boy.
These are apples
Those are bananas.
6. Interrogative Pronouns
Definition pronouns: The pronoun which is used to ask a question is called an interrogative
Example :
Which of the pens do you want?
Which if the student are absent ?
7. Relative Pronouns:
Definition Relative pronouns: The relative pronouns stand instead of noun and also join sentence .
Examples: The lady who is in pink saree is my mother.
The milk which is pure is useful for health.
This is the boy whom all admire.
Take any pen that you like.
The lion whose colour is white is from Africa.
8. Indefinite Pronouns
Definition pronouns: Indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things in a vague or general way
They do not refer them in particular
Example of:
One should keep one's promises
None is permitted to leave the place
Any body can do this
Some are inactive
All are gentle
Many of the students secured good marks
Any of you can attend the function
None of them are qualified
9. Distributive Pronouns:
Definition pronouns: When each either and neither are used as Pronouns they are called distributive pronouns
Each of the boys is laborious
Either of the two pens will do
Neither of the two houses is safe.
The two brothers love each other.
10. Reciprocal Pronouns:
Definition reciprocal pronouns: each other and one another are called reciprocal pronouns,
Examples: Radha and Krishna love each other.
The four brothers love one another.
Adjectives and I was a fon Adjective in Qualifying Wordt
An Adjective in a word which qualities a noun or a pronoun
An Adjective is a qualifying word,
An Adjective in a word which adds something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun
Kinds of Adjectives
1. Adjectives Quality (orare la
2. Adjectives of Quantity
3 Adjectives Number
4 Demonstrative Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives
6. Distributive Adjectives
7. Interrogative Adjectives
8. Proper Adjectives
9. Emphasizing Adjectives
1. Adjectives of Quality
Definition adjective Quality: Adjectives of Quality show the quality (state also) of a person or thing
Examples Old, Brave, Intelligent, Sick, Good, Bad, Kind, Sweet
Beautiful, Red, Brown, Fat, Short etc.
Adjective Quantity
Adjectives which tell us how many or how much are called Adjective of Quantity
Examples. Some, Much ,Enough,, All, Alot of ,Sufficient
3. Adjectives of Number
Definition adjective Adjectives number : oNumber or Numeral Adjectives indicate how many persons or things are meant and in what order they stand.
Examples Some, Many, Few, No, Enough, All, Several, One, Two, Any First , second, etc.
Many of them are hardworking, Many-Indefinite Pronoun
All boys went away.
All-Adjective of Number
He ate all the food.
All-Adjective of Quantity
4. Demonstrative Adjectives
Adjectives which are used to point out some person or thing are calle
Demonstrative Adjectives. Important among them are this, that, these those and such.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग पर गौर करें।
This boy will stand first. I do not want to leave that house.
Such men are not faithful. These cows are mine and those are your
5. Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives show possession ownership or relation. They
Examples My, Our. Your, His, Her,
This is my/our/your/his/her/their village.
His mother is healthy
Your son is intelligent.
Her room is clean
6. Distributive Adjectives:
Each Every. Either and Neither are called Distributive Adjectives when
they are followed by a noun
Each student has a dictionary
Every man is mortal
Either boy is able to do this.
Neither road was clear.
7. Interrogative Adjectives
Interrogative Adjectives are used with nouns to ask questions. W
Which, whose etc are interrogative Adjectives
Whose pen is this
What name do you speak .
Whose pen is this?
What name do you speak?
What do you like?
8. Proper Adjectives,
Adjectives made from proper nouns are called Proper Adjectives
Ram is an Indian citizen
He is Russian leader
9. Emphasizing Adjectives
This is the very book I wanted
This the same problem which I am facing
I did it with my own choice,
He saw the thief with his own eyes,
Mohan has been living in the very same street for five years
> Very, same, own, very same etc are such adjectives as used to expr emphasis on the nouns that follow them. Such adjectives are called Emphasizing Adjectives,
इन वाक्यों को देखें-
Ram is eating
I have a car
Children dance
Radha had four frocks.
She was taught
Sandeep is hale and hearty.
A verb is a word which denotes an action, state or possession
A verb is a word which says something about a subject
(1) Verbs denoting Actions (ad erau foard):
The horse runs
We are walking
The earth moves
Cows were fed.
They will play,
I read English
(ii) Verbs denoting Possession / Relation (fear/ Pand)
I have a computer
King Dashrath had three queens.
He has a sound knowledge of English
They have a beautiful house.
I am ready
The patient is out of danger.
He was absent.
They were intelligent.
His family is happy
Mohan is busy
Kinds of Verbs
1. Main/Principal/Ordinary / Full Verbs - TA 1941
2. Auxiliary / Helping Verbs- 144
Junior English Grammar
1. Main Verb
यह क्रिया वाक्य में मुख्य काम करती है। इसे Principal/Ordinary| Full Verb
कहते है। जब वाक्य में एक ही Verb हो तो उसे Main Verb कहते है। ऐसे Verbs का
के अल
अपने आप में पूर्ण (Complete) होता है।
निम्न वाक्यों में Red Words Main Verbs हैं-
Ram reads a book,
They can do this work.
He is going
You will go.
Main Verbs या Principal Verbs को दो भागों में बाँटा गया है
1. Transitive Verb
The verb used with an object is called a transitive verb. The verb which takes an object is a transitive verb.
A transitive verb is that which requires an object.
Examples: Mohan plays cricket.
He eats bread.
I like the season of winter.
He knows me.
You have helped my family.
They sing songs.
2. Intransitive Verb
The verb used without an object is called an intransitive verb.
The verb which takes no object is an intransitive verb.
An intransitive verb is that which does not require an object.
Examples: Ram goes to market. Mohan laughs.
She sleeps.
I get up early in the mornin
He writes slowly. We play
2. Auxiliary Verb
The verbs which are used together with main verbs to help them in formation of tenses, voices, moods etc. are called auxiliary or hell verbs.
Ram is readinga book
They have eaten.
He will do this work.
You should help me.
Definition: The word which qualifies/modities a verb, an adjectis,
or another adverb is called an adverb.
An adverb is a word that qualities/modifies the meaning of a verb,
adjective or another adverb.
Examples slowly, beautifully, carelessly, boldly, loudly, sadi
quickly, exactly, simply, firstly, secondly, too, so, today, tomorrow, he
there, therefore, hence etc.
Kinds of Adverbs
1. Adverbs of Time
2.Adverbs of Frequency
3.Adverbs of Place
4.Adverbs of Degree or Quantity
5.Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation .
7. Adverbs of Reason
8.Interrogative Adverbs
9. Relative Adverbs (सम्बन्धवाचक क्रियाविशेषण)
1. Adverbs of me
where the mean the answer the question
Yesterday To Now. Then Soon
latest temediately shortlys Daily, Already
word met question ******
i will get to shoot humorrow
He went to Delhi yesterday
Het when
Yesterday is Adverbs or Time
2. Adverbs of Frequency
Adverb frequency show how often/how many times or how an action takes place. They answer the question How often
How many times
Example :
Once twice. Always, Daily, Again, Seldom
3. Adverbs of Place
- Adverbs of place indicate 'where or at what place' an action is performed always
Examples: here, there , backward, everywhere, nowwhere, up down , outside, within , etc.
4. Adverbs of Degree or Quantity
- Adverbs of degree indicate the degree of an action or an adjective or
adverb. They answer the question 'how much, or in what degna
'to what extent
Examples Very, Rather (बहुत). Quite (बिल्कुल), Enough, Nearly (लगधा
Almost (लगभग), Most, Too, Much, Hardly (नगण्य से), Exactly (विल्कुल ही).
5. Adverbs of Manner
> Adverbs of manner tell how or in what manner an action is done.
Examples:Clearly, Slowly, Carefully, Bravely, Loudly, Quickly, Fast
Bewafolly is Adver Mann
The child slept sundly
Stephew (440)
Soundly is Adverb of Manner
6. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation
Advereb of affirmation and Negation indicate assertion and denial
Are you well? Yes, I am
Is he mistaken? Surely
Will you support him ? No, never
Has he gone to Delhi ? Certainty.
Is doctor in? No, he is not
Will you support him? No, never
Has he gone to Delhi ? Certainly.
Is Rita ill? No, she is not
sures Yes, Surely, Certainly in the al No, Never, Not i
7. Adverbs of Reason
Adverbs of reason tell the reason of an action
Example Hence, Therefore, Thus, So etc.
He has left village, hence (1) I can not talk to him
She has lost her purse therefore (HT) she is sad.
She spoke slowly, so (9764:) I could not hear her.
He is too poor, thus (tag) he cannot pay the fee.
8. Interrogative Adverbs
Interrogative adverbs are used for asking questions,
Examples: When, Where, How, Why, How long, How much, 13. He
(तुम कितनी बार खाते हो
often, How many etc.
निम्नलिखित Examples का अध्ययन कर अपना Concept Clear करें।
When do you go to school?
How many times do you eat?
Where is your father?
How much do you agree with me?
(आप मुझसे कितना सहमत है।
9. Relative Adverbs
Relative adverbs modify the verbs following them and at the Give time join two sentences together.
Examples: When, Where, How, Why, How long, How much, any etc.
7: Preposition
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show. 5.
relation to some other word or words in the sentence
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to sho Test
in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard: 1. I
something else
Examples: at, in, on, over, above, with, by, from, since, for, inti 5.1
off, through, round, after, behind, before, inside, along, about, ned
down, towards, of, to, up, without, against under, between, till, among T...
across etc
ध्यान दे : (O Preposition सामान्यतः Noun/Pronoun/Nounequivalent के पा 11.5
आता है। कभी-कभी इसका प्रयोग Sentence/Clause के अन्त या प्रारम्भ में भी हो सका
है। नीचे दिए गए Examples को समझ कर अपना Concept Clear करें।
Who are you talking to ?
To whom are you talking?
Which bag did he keep it in? In which bag did he keep it?
What are you looking for? At what time are you coming?
I do not know how to make it up. I need paper to write on
In what sense are you talking I made a house to live in.
Conjunction 8:
- A Conjunction isa word used to join words, phrases, clauses or sentences
Examples and, but because, if, when, while, until, so, otherwis
|therefore, although. still, as, either...or, neither...nor, not only ...but also,
that, both and, as if, unless, whether, where, as well as, yet, though etc.
Conjunctions must be carefully distinguished from Relative
Pronouns. Relative Adverbs and Prepositions, which are also connecting
A Preposition also joins two words, but it does more, it governs a noun or pronoun.
This is the spot where he was arrested
He found the box where he had left it
I know that he is quite fine.
Ram has been absent since Thursday.
Conjunctions are mainly of two kinds
1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions.
2. Sub-ordinating Conjunctions.
1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions
> The conjunction which joins two grammatical units of the same kinda
that is noun and noun, adjective and adjective, adverb and adverb
called a co-ordinating conjunction
Examples: and, but, or, also, yet, still, too, for, as well as, either
neither nor, nor, not only...but also, both and
2. Sub-ordinating Conjunctions
Connection Subordinate clouse Principal cause of Man
Subordinating Conjunction
The conjunction which joins a
subordinate cause to a principal duise
called a subordinating conjunction
bordinating conjunction joints a cause to another on which it
I give you freedom if you give me blood
तुम मुझे न दोगे तो मैं तुम्हें आजादी दूंगा)
ed that he could not come
They are some while we danced
Interjection 9
The word which are used to express some sudden feeling or emotion of Human heart are called interjections. Note of interjection (!) Is used at Thier end .
Example :
Hurrah ! Alaa ! Ah! Oh! Hello! Lo! Hark! Hush! Bravo! Well done! Welcome! Fie!Fie! Pooh! Pooh ! Shame! Shame! Hi!
Noun 11
Noun are two Types ?
2. Plural Number (9)
1. Singular Number
singuter Number denotes one person or thing
If noun nefer to the person or thin it is in the Singular Number
Example boy Girl Tree, Cat, On, Man, Penete
2. Plural Number
plural Number denotes more than one person or thing
If noun refers to more than one person or thing, it is in the Plural
Example: Boys, Girls, Trees, Caty, Oxen, Men, Pen etc.
English में Gender चार प्रकार के होते हैं:-
(1) Masculine Gender (पुलिंग)
(2) Feminine Gender (स्वालित
(3) Common Gender (उभयलिंग)
(4) Neuter Gender (नपुसकलित
1. Masculine Gender
The word that denotes a male animal is said to be of the masculine gender
All words for males are masculine gender.
Examples: Boy, Lion. Dog, Brother, Actor, Hero, Bull,Mohan..
2. Feminine Gender
The word that denotes a female animals said to be the feminine gender
> All words for females are feminine gender,
Examples: Girl, Lioness, Bitch, Sister, Actress, Heroine, Cow, sa
3. Common Gender
The word that denotes either a male or a female is said to becommon gender.
Words which can be used for both males and females are of the com
Boy (लड़का
Examples: Student कहने से छात्र या छात्रा दोनों का, Doctor कहने ।
Man (पुरुष
Lad (लड़क
चिकित्सक या महिला चिकित्सक दोनों का बोध होता है। अत: Student तथा Ded
Common Gender का बोध होता है। इसी प्रकार Friend, (दोस्त), Parent (माताया।
King (राज
Calf (वाछा या बाछी) Pupil (छात्र या छात्रा), Baby (बच्चा या बच्ची), Infant |
Papa (पित
नर या मादा), Writer (लेखक या लेखिका), Singer (गायक या गायिका), Dee
या हिरणी), Elephant (हाथी या हथिनी), Fowl (मुर्गा या मुर्गी), Camel ta
ऊँटनी), Sheep (भेड़ या भेड़नी), Driver (चालक-स्त्री या पुरुष), Fool (मूर्छ-
पुरुष), Speaker (वक्ता-स्त्री या पुरुष), Guest (अतिथि–स्त्री या पुरुष), प
(शत्रु-स्त्री या पुरुष), Artist (कलाकार-स्त्री या पुरुष), Cook (रसोइया-स्त्री वा
Painter (रंग करने वाला—स्त्री या पुरुष), Book-celler (पुस्तक विक्रेता-श्रीका
Mr (eft
माई या बहन) इत्यादि से Common Cender का बोध होता है।
Hero (=
Bull (सा
Dwner (मालिक या मालकिन), Thief (चोर या चोरनी), Cousin (चरा, कुराका
4.Neuter Gender
The word that denotes an object without life is said to be of the neuter Gender
The neuter Gender denotes that the given noun is neither or male nor female
Example : fan , chair,ball, book, pen , carden, wood ,oil, honesty, etc..
13 Case
The case of a noun or a pronoun shows its relation to other words sentence
Nominative Case (कर्ता कारक)
Objective Case (कर्म कारक)
Possessive Case (सम्बन्ध कारक)
1. Nominative Case
When a noun or a pronoun is used as the subject of a verb, it is be in the nominative case.
Examples: Mohan is playing.
The child is laugh
He reads in an English School
2. Objective Case
When a noun or a pronoun is used as the object of a verb or preposition it is said to be in the objective case.
Examples: Ram eats bread.
Shyam teaches Mo
The cat drinks milk.
The book is for you
He came from school.
3. Possessive case
When the form of a noun indicate possession of ,or relations with something .it is said to be in the Posseive
Example of:
Ram,s car is new
He is Soham,s father
This is bag
This car is his
Sentence 12
A sentence is group of words put together in a certain order giving a complete sense .
A sentence is group of words put together according to the rules of grammar
Kinds of sentence :
1: Assertive/statement/declaratives Sentence
2: Interrogative Sentence
3: imperative Sentence
4: Opatative Sentence
5: Examinatiory Sentence
Assertive Sentence:
A sentence that makes a sentence is called an assertive sentence .
There two types of Assertive Sentence.
1: Affirmative Sentences
2: Negative Sentence
Roy is intelligent
Ram is Powerful
2: Example
Roy is not interlligent
Ram is not powerful
2: Interrogative Sentences
A sentence that ask questions is called an Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative Sentences are two Types :
1: Wh- Questions
2: Yes- Questions
1: Examples
What is your friends name?
Where are you go in every morning?
Whose pen is this ?
2: Examples :
Are you still there ?
May I go there ?
Is mom beautiful ?
3: Imperative Sentence
A sentence that expreses an order ,a request or piece of advice is called an imperative sentence .
4: Optative Sentence
A sentence that expreses some blessings ,curse prayer or wish is called an Optative Sentence .
Example of :
May you live long
May get sauces in English speaking
May you fail (curse)
May success kiss your feet
Exclamatory Sentence
A sentence that expreses some sudden or strong feeling of the mind is called an exclamatory Sentence .
Example of :
How handsome !
What an Idea !
Such a man !