Chapter_2 sexual reproduction in Flowering plants (MCQ chapterwise) for class 12 General knowledge Science
Chapter:2 Sexual Reproduction In Flowering plants: Biology McQ
(Mutiple Choice Questions and Answer)
1.The flowers have both androcium and genocium is called?
a) Anthrogeous
b) Perfect
c) Harmaphrodite
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
2.Embryo sac is located inside the?
a) nuclie
b) pollination
c) flagella
d) ovule
Answer: Ovule
3.The two nuclie at the end of the pollen tube are called as ?
a) Tube nucleus and generation nucleus
b) pathanocropy
c) Explant
d) micropropagation
Answer: Tube nucleus and generation nucleus
4.Male reproductive parts of the flowers , stamen are commonly called as ?
a) Pedical
b) pestical
c) androcium
d) genocium
Answer: pedical
5.Which of the following in functional megaspore developed ?
a) Embryo Sac
b) Androcium
c) Genocium
d) pollination
Answer: Embryo Sac
6.Which of the following fruit is produced by parthenocarpy method?
a) pineapple
b) manago
c) citrus
d) Banana
Answer: Banana
7.The process of formation seed with fertilization in the flowering plants commonly known as?
a) pollination
b) pathanocropy
c) embryo sac
d) ovulation
Answers: Apomixes
8.The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is called ?
a) Fertilization
b) pollination
c) Asexual
d) Bisexuals
Answer: pollination
9.The flower in Which both both Androcium and genocium is called?
a) bisexual
b) sporopollen
c) fertilization
d) asexual
Answer: Bisexual
10.The fusion of male and female is called?
a) Fertilization
b) Endosperm
c) Apomixis
Answer: Fertilization
11.Exine layer of the pollen grain is made up of?
a) echnodermata
b) medsoderm
c) Endosperm
d) sporopollenin
Answer: sporopollenin
12.microagnesis is the process formation of ?
a) pollination
b) parthenocarpy
c) Endosperm
d) microspore
Answer: Microspore
13.Pollination by insect is called ?
a) Entomology
b) Entomophily
c) Microspore
d) Fertilization
Answer: Entomophily
14. The pollination transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma within the same Flower is called ?
a) Sexogamy
b) Polygamy
c) Hexagomy
d) Autogamay
Answer: Autogamay
15.The transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of another Flowers of the same plant is called?
a) Automatically
b) Homagegam
c) Autogamay
d) Xenogamy
Answer: Geintonogmay