Chapter_2 sexual reproduction in Flowering plants (MCQ chapterwise) for class 12 General knowledge Science

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Chapter:2 Sexual Reproduction In Flowering plants: Biology McQ

Chapter_2 sexual reproduction in Flowering plants (MCQ chapterwise) for class 12 General knowledge

(Mutiple Choice Questions and Answer)

1.The flowers have both androcium and genocium is called?

a) Anthrogeous 

b) Perfect 

c) Harmaphrodite

d) All of these

Answer: All of these

2.Embryo  sac is located inside the?

a) nuclie

b) pollination

c) flagella 

d) ovule

Answer: Ovule

3.The two nuclie at the end of the pollen tube are called as ?

a) Tube nucleus and generation nucleus

b) pathanocropy

c) Explant 

d) micropropagation

Answer: Tube nucleus and generation nucleus

4.Male reproductive parts of the  flowers , stamen are commonly called as ?

 a) Pedical

b) pestical

c) androcium

d) genocium

Answer: pedical

5.Which of the following in functional megaspore developed ?

a) Embryo Sac

b) Androcium

c) Genocium

d) pollination

Answer: Embryo Sac

6.Which of the following fruit is produced by parthenocarpy method?

a) pineapple

b) manago 

c) citrus

d) Banana

Answer: Banana

7.The process of formation seed with fertilization in the flowering plants  commonly known as?

a) pollination

b) pathanocropy

c) embryo sac

d) ovulation

Answers: Apomixes

8.The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is called ?

a) Fertilization

b) pollination

c) Asexual 

d) Bisexuals

Answer: pollination

9.The flower in Which both both Androcium and genocium is called?

a) bisexual

b) sporopollen

c) fertilization

d) asexual

Answer: Bisexual

10.The fusion of male and female is called?

a) Fertilization

b) Endosperm

c) Apomixis


Answer: Fertilization

11.Exine layer of the pollen grain is made up of?

a) echnodermata

b) medsoderm

c) Endosperm

d) sporopollenin

Answer: sporopollenin

12.microagnesis is the  process formation of ?

a) pollination 

b) parthenocarpy

c) Endosperm

d) microspore

Answer: Microspore

13.Pollination by insect is called ?

a) Entomology

b) Entomophily

c) Microspore

d) Fertilization

Answer: Entomophily

14. The pollination transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma within the same Flower is called ?

a) Sexogamy

b) Polygamy

c) Hexagomy 

d) Autogamay 

Answer: Autogamay

15.The transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of another Flowers of the same plant is called?

a) Automatically 

b) Homagegam

c) Autogamay

d) Xenogamy

Answer: Geintonogmay
