Reproductive in health (Chapter 4) Biology MCQ for class 12 Questions and Answer
Chapter :4 MCQ Questions (Mutiple Choice Questions and Answer)
Chapter :4 Reproductive in health
1.Copper T present in?
a) Ovulation
b) Sterlization
c) Mast cells
d) all of these
Answer: Ovulation
2.What is work of progestrone and contraceptive pill?
a) Prevent ovulation
b) prevent sending sperm to another system
c) prevent reaching to mastcells
d) prevent to reach at peak point vagina
Answer: prevent ovulation
3 . Which of the following caused by retroviruses ?
a) Asthma
b) Tuberculosis
c) HIV
Answer: AIDS
4.Most effective methods of for birth control is ?
a) Sterlizarion
b) Drug
c) Smoke
d) MTP
Answer: sterlization
5.Drug Ru 486 is used as ?
a) to make copy of sperm
b) to make bodybuilding
c) to growth hair
d) Abortive Agent
Answer: Abortive Agent
6.Saheli ,a female antifertility pill is used as ?
a) Daily
b) One does in six months
c) Weekly
d) Monthly
Answer: Daily
7.Histamine is secreted by ?
a) Germs cell
b) Sertoli cells
c) leydig cell
d) Mast cells
Answer: Mast cells
8.What do you mean by MTP ?
a) Molecules term is prohibited
b) Medical termination of pregnancy
c) mole of terms percent
d) molar tertiary percentage
Answer: Medical termination of pregnancy
9.ElISA Stand for ?
a) Enzyme Linked emunoefficency
b) Enzyme linked Emunology
c) Enzyme linked immuno esorbate
d) Enzyme linked immuno essay
Answer: Enzyme linked immuno essay
10.Which techniques to used to detect AIDS?
a) Hydrocarbon power machine
b) Demographic machine
c) Robot vacuum
d) Western blot and ElISA
Answer: western blot and ElISA
11.Aminocentosis is a process used to ?
a) to determine blood pressure
b) to determine how blood pressure
c) to determine how many water
d) Determine the disease of the embryo
Answer: Determine the disease of the embryo
12.Which of the following is sexully disease ?
b) Malaria
c) Fevers
d) Encephalitis
Answer: Encephalitis