What Is Biodiversity ? Types of Biodiversity |Application

Table Content 

  • What is biodiversity 
  • How many types of biodiversity
  • What are the main cause loss of biodiversity 
  • Who give term biodiversity 
  • Species Diversity
  • Genetic Diversity
  • Ecological Diversity 

What is Biodiversity ?

The term biodiversity was coined by W.G Rosen in1985 and  biodiversity  is the term  popularized  by the  sociologist EDWARD WILSON . Biodiversity is 
to describe  the  combined  diversity  at  the all  level  of biological  organization. 

There are three  types of Biodiversity 

  •  Genetic  diversity -  a single  species  might   show  high  diversity  at the genetic  level  over its distributional  range  the genetic  variation  shown by  medicinal  plant  rauwolfia  vomitoria  growing  in  different Himalaya  average might be  in the term  of the potency  and concentration  of active  chemical (respiring) that the plants  produced  India has more  50,000 Genetically  different strain of rice.
  • Species  biodiversity-  the  diversity  at the  special level . for example  the western  ghats  have greater  amphibians  species  diversity  than the eastern ghat.

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  • Ecological  diversity – In the ecosystem level  . India  for  instance, with  its deserts , rain forest  mangrove , coral  reef . wetlands  estuaries  , and alpine  meadow  has greater  ecosystem  diversity  than  a Scandinavian  country like Norway
  •   It has  taken  million  of years  of evolution.  to  accumulate  this rich  diversity  in nature , but  we could  lose all  that wealth in less than two  diversity bin nature. Biodiversity  and its  conservation   are  now  vital  environmental issue  of  international concern  as more  and more  people around  the world  begin  to realize  the critical  importance  of biodiversity  for  our survival  and well  being  on this plants. 

What are the causes of biodiversity loss?

Ans. These are  the following Causes  loss of biodiversity ?

Habitat loss and fragmentation :

All you know that  (Forest cover reduced from 14% to 6% in Amazon forest) The fragmentation of large belt of region

affects badly the migratory species like birds and other animals causing

their and related population to decline. The habitat loss also affects the

biodiversity as can be seen by clearing activities in Amazon rain forest for

growing soyabeans and developing grass lands as fodder for raising Beef cattle.

Over Exploitation : Over Exploitation of a particular species like some marine fish have threatened their very existence. Therefore 'need should not be turned into 'greed' when we exploit bio species for food and Shelter

 Alien species invasion : Sometime introduction of the alien

species to our ecosystem may lead our indigenous species to face a threat on their existence. E.g. Parthenium (Carrot grass), Lantana (Shrubs),Water hyacinth (Eicchornia) and African cat fish (Clariasgariepinus) which has posed a great threat to their indigenous counterparts.

Co-extinction: If one species out of one or more species

involved in obligatory relationship like mutualism or parasitism, become

fragile, it results in fragility of other species also. Another example is the

plant - pollinator mutualism where extinction of one invariably leads to

the extinction of the other.

Q. Biodiversity term was first coined by ?

À. Regards Paul

B. Mathus Wilson

Ç. Elon Wilson

D. Edward Wilson

Q.In Which of the following  is not  bio diversity ?

À.  Ecosystem Diversity

B. Genetic Diversity 

D. Species Diversity 

D. Alien Species 

Answer: Alien species 
