apiculture definition biology 12th class

Question: Apiculture

Bee- keeping  or apiculture is  the maintenance  of hives of honeybees for  the  production  of honey .the honeybee is food of nutritive  value  and  also  finds  use in the  indigenous  system of medicine . the honey bee  also  produce  beeswax and   used in preparation of polishes and cosmetics.
Bee- keeping  can be  practiced  in any area  whre  there  are sufficient  bee pastures  of some  wild shrubs  , fruits  orchards   and cultivated  crops.  One of the most reared  common species in is  Apis Indica.
Bee-keeping and there several organization  that teach  bee  - keeping honey  It is relatively easy, but requires some special for successful bee- keeping.
Knowledge of nature and habits of bees
selection of suitable location for keeping beehives
catching and hiving of swarms(group of bees)
management of  beehive   during different seasons
handling and collection of honey and beeswax
bees  are  the pollinators  of  many  of our  crop  species   such as sunflowers ., brassica. Apple and pear.

Question :Megasporogenesis 

The   process of  formation   of megaspore  from the  megaspore mother cell  is called   megasporogenesis.

Question: Post-Fertilizations Events 

In  this process  evens of  endosperm  and embryo development , maturation  of ovule (s) into seed (s) and  ovary into  fruit. Are collectively term as post – fertilization events.
